Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Quick Explination

This is a new blog that will chronicle my life for the next year (2011).
Preface: I am incredibly sporadic in keeping a blog, (largely due to my own road block that I have nothing of interest to write...), this will keep me at on here at least weekly.

That being said, the idea behind this blog is to come up with and carry out 52 small health, fitness, and life style goals. One new one each week. These are to be SMALL goals, like: walk around the block 3 times this week or drink 2 16oz bottles of water every day this week. Goals that can be continued on weekly, or be stepping stones on each other that will eventually lead to a larger overall goal.
I will make the promise to myself that I WILL NOT make a goal to lose a certain number of lbs in a week. That seems to be what, more often than not, derails my progress in EVERYTHING. I do have lbs to loose, but focusing on that will not make it happen. Focusing on small changes will promote these changes. Also, going to the gym is something I already do, so that is not a goal...these goals are things that will keep me motivated to go when I have excuse after excuse, and no real reason to not go.

The Parameters:
1. Weeks start on Sunday
2. The first week starts with Sunday 1/2/2011
3. The 52 Goals will be up and listed by 1/1/2011
4. The goals do not have to be accomplished in the order, all must be completed by 12/31/2011.

Now to come up with the goals...coming soon!

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