Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Minor Set Back, Epic Fail

So I haven't blog in about 2 weeks.
That what happens when it's tax season and I have no computer/Internet access away from my office. Oh well.
I was doing fairly well with the no carbs except for pre-workout load deal.  I had no bread at all that first week. Then I didn't set another goal last week, and ended up going completely off track.
Today was no better. So here we go, clean slate, new resolve, new goal that's off the list: Get back into it. NOW.
Yes I had a garlic bagel and cream cheese for breakfast. Yes, I had a gyro and 10 french fries for lunch. Does it mean that I'm going to gain back the weight I have lost thus far? No.
I killed it yesterday working out...Drew now knows what I can do and is pushing me, which I love. We did chest and back yesterday, and I can FEEL IT. I LOVE THAT.
I'm the crazy person that LOVES being sore. I love feeling things tighten and tone, and I know the way that happens is by muscles tearing and recovering.  BRING IT ON!

Getting back to it means:
*Eating Drinking:
Greek Yogurt and fruit for breakfast
Almonds mid morning
Some kind of Salad for lunch
String Cheese and Almonds for snacks
Lean Cuisine and hour before working out (most of those are a lean protein with rice/pasta and veggies)
Protein bar or shake after work out. (within an hour)
4 16oz bottles of Water minimum
1 Powerade zero while working out
1 Diet Coke
*Working out
2-3 times a week strength training (2 times with trainer)
4-6 times a week 30-60 minutes of cardio (meaning I get on a treadmill or something of that nature)-usually I'll hop on after I do strength training and 2 days a week I go and just get on the treadmill, or now that the weather is getting better, I might bust out the bike.

Bottom Line: I've been a total slacker. I've lost weight, but just a tiny bit. I have epically failed, but things are getting better. I just need to act on the things I KNOW I need to do.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Skipped a week Blogging but I did acomplish something.

Hello my little blog, how are you? Doing good? I think I am.
SO last week I didn't really pick a goal, nor did I post anything.  Shame on me.
I did, with no thought at all put into it, step up to a gallon of water a day.  Now if you've never done that, after you get over the initial shock, you find yourself in the toilet quite a lot.  For me it's always at the end of the day. The other perk? A nifty little pyramid of water bottles waiting to be recycled at the end of the week. hahaha.
In this week I also have found that I am officially down to 267.6! YAY!!!! Down into another set of 10 digits (I know it's not called a decade).  That also means that I'm right around exactly 100lbs to go.  It is glorious to say that, not 120, not 110 but 100. It sounds like a more attainable goal, it really does. 
Now for this week's goal: It is actually for lent because, well, lent started on Wednesday, and I was SUPER bad on Tuesday. When I say super bad, I mean a Whataburger BOB for breakfast, BLT and lots of chips for lunch, and Dinner was pancakes, eggs, and peppered bacon. LOTS of Carbs, not a bit of it low fat, but oh so tasty!  Anyway, the goal is NO BREAD.
To be more specific, no carbs with the exception of what I consume 1-2 hours before working out.  This means: no cearel, pasta, rice, tortillas, cake, cookies, crakers, granola, oatmeal, grits, etc. with the exception of the small meal before working out.  Yes that means that I miss out on whole grains, and a bunch of fiber, but supliments will be added, so there. I also gave up potatoes in all forms, but that was kinda of blown on Wendesday at lunch. So it stands amended to any potatoes cooked in oil(french fries, potato chips, hasbrowns, homefries etc.). That way I can have baked chips and baked potatoes, not that I eat that many anyway, but if I can't have that St. Patricks Day will SUCK.
I will have a different goal next week, but starting lent is pretty big, and this first week is HARD.