Friday, April 29, 2011

2 weeks past

Alright, so it's been 2 weeks since I've done anything major.
*I did not stress eat
*I've kept away from eating out to much while in Austin
*I've been drinking water (something that I forget to do when in Austin)
*I've been working out at home
*not writing down what I eat
*not drinking ENOUGH water
*not working out enough

In the end though, I have lost a PANT SIZE! That's right, a PANT SIZE! Meaning I'm down to a 16W/18 only a little while till I don't have to shop in the big girl department exclusively.  I don't have to do it now, but for comfort I do most of the time. I'm way excited!
For this week I am eating breakfast and skipping snacks. I also have a 5K on Sunday with my girl Alison! I'm totally excited!

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