Tuesday, February 15, 2011

List Changes

What's been done is in Bold, what has changed is italicized.
1. Go Hiking at least Once a Month (7 times)--I know it wont be done within a week, but if I go once a month for seven months that's a week.
2. Eat in on the weekends
3. Workout on weekends
4. Drink 2 16oz bottles of water a day 5. Drink 4 16oz bottles of water a day
6. Drink 1 8oz glass of milk a day
7. Drink 2 8oz glasses of milk a day
8. Walk for 30 minutes Outside
9. Walk for 45 minutes Outside
10. Walk for 1 hour Outside
11. Run for 15 minutes Outside
12. Run for 30 minutes Outside
13. Run for 45 minutes Outside
14. Run for an hour Outside
15. Eat 2 servings of veggies a day
16. Eat 3 servings of veggies a day
17. Journal/log what I eat on Weight Watchers online
18. Take multivitamins
19. Take Alli
20. Get a massage-same idea as with hiking, once a month for 7 months is equal to a week (and easier on the wallet)
21. Get rid of clothes that are way too big-if you have no way to go up, you can only go down.  Also I'm to cheap to get rid of stuff that's a *little* baggy.
22. Run 7 5ks-I know, another 7 goal that can't be done in a week, but again, something that can be accomplished by the end of the year.
23. Go Swimming
24. Don't over indulge celebrating my birthday and our birthday. 25. Turn off TV and study 30 minutes an evening
26. Keep a bed time of midnight
27. Keep a bed time of 11:30 p.m.
28. Wake up at 8 a.m.
29. Wake up at 7:30 a.m.
30. Eat within an hour of waking up.
31. Avoid french fries
32. Avoid Potato Chips
33. Avoid bread
34. Avoid Red Meat
35. Avoid cooking with butter
36. Eat no fast food
37. No second helpings
38. Limit Snaking to 2 times a day
39. Eat 1 serving of fruit
40. Eat 2 servings of fruit
41. Avoid candy
42. Eat a serving of non-milk dairy a day
43. Try Zumba
44. Buy and use balance ball work out from Weight Watchers
45. Buy and use a shake weight
46. Drink only 1 Diet Coke a day
47. Drink NO Diet Coke
48. Clean out kitchen
49. Eat largest meal at lunch time
50. Plan meals before going out
51. Use EA Workout/Golds Gym/ Wii Fit games
52. Try Power Yoga
This is the new list.  There are several changes to it to account for the fact that I've started working out with a trainer.  Talking about the trainer: his name is Drew and so far he's been really great.  I'm excited about working with him, and also proud of myself that I was more in shape than he though. :)

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