Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Goal #8

Success! I'm officially a 1 diet coke a day person.  It sucked, but I can get caffeine and cut down the sugar(or sugar substitute) by having tea with my meals instead of Diet Coke for meals.  Also, when I say one diet coke, I mean a little can.  Not a normal sized one.  I really am bad about not finishing a 12oz can of diet coke because I tend to drink rather slowly, so the smaller ones do the trick.
This weeks goal: No French Fries!
That's right no lovely, salty, tasty starch sticks.  This is going to be hard. Notice I didn't say potatoes. I should do that, and perhaps one week I will, but this is about baby steps.  Hence that these goals only need to last a week (or the weekends of the month).  That's not to say that the changes made don't stick past the week, it's just that for me the baby step of the first week is CRUCIAL.

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