Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A few Changes

Alright, I'm going to make a few changes.
First, Mommy bought me these over the weekend:
 These are the Reebok Runtones that I've been coveting stalking wanting for almost as long as they've been on the market. When I say bought, I mean she saw how freaked out/bummed I was about the TREE that I received for Christmas, and when I mentioned that they were 50% off on Amazon with no tax and no shipping she let me use her AMEX to order them. They'll be here tomorrow *swoon*.

Being that they are a gift to me, it isn't right that I use them as the goal for this week. Frankly it's cheating. There for goal 24 will now be: Not to over indulge during/around my birthday, and mine and Rob's annual celebration "Our Birthday"
We're literally 19 days apart in age, so we celebrate together on or around January 9th, and my Birthday is on the 18th. We'll be celebrating on the 7th and the 15th this year which, yes, is 8 days apart and therefore a goal that spans two weeks, but I'm going to use it for MY birthday which is celebrated with 2 nights out (possibly 3) instead of one dinner.
The goal for the week including the 8th (this week) will be a different one.

The second change is: Weeks will be Tuesday to Monday to correspond with my weigh-ins for Weight Watchers (guess what goal I'm accomplishing this week, haha!). I realize that many of my goals can be accomplished in one week (changes in eating/drinking habits, working out etc.) but I have a tendency to get overwhelmed and quit, so by focusing on one little aspect at a time, I can truly knockdown some of the hurtles that have knocked me down before. I'm not even sure if the weight I put in to Weight Watchers online is correct, but it's the last weight I got before my scale at home crapped out. In that vein I will be purchasing a new scale this week so that on Tuesday I will have an accurate weight (and hopefully be pleasantly surprised).

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