Friday, January 14, 2011

Goal 2

So I stepped on the scale and I'm still 272! Woohoo! Yay new scale and guessing correctly. Awesome!
Alright...this week's goal is: To not overdo it on my birthday celebrations. Well, so far so good?
I probably completely blew it at the melting pot yesterday, but I had a lot of points left for the day, and I gained some by working out before hand, so I'm going into this doing fairly well. Tonight Rob and I are dining at home, so I'll be able to control what will be made/ate. Same with tomorrow till dinner tomorrow. After tomorrow it will be dinner on Tuesday...(still part of my goal for this week).
Next week's goal is: get to the gym, meaning work out more than one day @ said gym.
I just have to get through the rest of today and three more days...yay!

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