Monday, January 10, 2011

Goal 1

So I have written down all I have eaten for the last week. Goal accomplished.
Did it make any change? Well, ummmm, no (ducks in shame).
My portions are horrible, I ate well over my points, though today I'm doing well. The real test will come in the morning when I weigh myself. My honest expectation is the change on the scale is because I guessed my last weight. I know, that could set me up for failure or success (let's cross fingers for the latter), but it's tempered by perspective. My perspective is: it's like wearing jeans when you step on the scale.
You see, when you first join weight watchers you walk in in everyday clothes, or what you changed into after work (for me: jeans and a t-shirt), and you are surrounded by men in women in t-shirts and workout shirts carrying their shoes. Now there are some who are in their work clothes, but in my experience most were crew on the USS Wear-as-little-as-socially-acceptable-for-this-weekly-ordeal. That was the crew I joined by my second week. The result was, while I might not have had a stellar week dropping lbs that first week, I did see a lower number because I ditched the denim. This, in a nutshell, explains my perspective on what the scale says, the spike up or down has about as much to do with me as it does with new hardware. (For the record, I try to keep the clothing factor out of the equation...I'll let you guess how...)
Only tomorrow will tell what happens. Also tomorrow is a new goal!

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